November 25, 2008
November 21, 2008

November 20, 2008
a sweet note

November 19, 2008
custom dog ornaments

But I no longer have to worry after finding Clay Greys. She creates custom ornaments by using pictures of your own pets! So now you can have ornaments that look EXACTLY like your own dog or cat... she'll even incorporate favorite toys, clothing, etc. into the ornament. And these little guys are so cute I can't even stand it. So check out all her offerings and be able to hang your mini-mutt on your tree this year!

November 18, 2008

If you'd like to help donate to her cause, please go here where you can donate online. Thanks for caring!

whine or wine? why not have both!

Vin Dogs isn’t your ordinary wine company. We exist to combine our passions—friendship, wine, art, and our love of dogs and worthy causes—into a wine brand with a purpose. Wine that gives back. Wine that makes a difference.
Our partnership brings together a unique combination of very dedicated people with a keen set of values and a wealth of wine experience, all linked by a strong bond of friendship.
First and foremost, we are dedicated to producing premium wines of exceptional quality from outstanding vineyards throughout the world. Bringing these wines directly to you allows us to offer these wines at approachable price points so that more people can enjoy the fruits of our labor.
We also embrace the concept of a business social conscience. To that end, we are committed to donating a portion of our profits to charity. Because of our lifelong love of our canine friends, we support worthy causes that involve dogs. In addition to monetary support, we hope to raise public awareness and understanding of the causes these wines support, perhaps encouraging more people to become involved in their efforts.
Finally, we celebrate our appreciation for art and its role in our lives. Our labels feature original, limited-edition illustrations by artist Jay P. Snellgrove. Each honors a real dog that has a special story–a reminder of how empty this world would be without the unconditional love and devotion of “man’s best friend.”

More background on Jim: I found this guy wandering down the side of I-85 a few years ago on my way to work. It took me almost an hour to coax him to me... it was a slow, painful process with me inching along toward him in 3-inch heels and a suit (almost in a squat so that I didn't frighten him into traffic) while I called him to me and tried to make him understand that I had dog food in my hand. Once I reached him he decided I was his new best friend. He stunk to the high heavens and was covered with fleas and ticks. I had to take him to work with me because I had nowhere else to take him. Danielle's office was only two doors down from mine, and I managed to convince her to take him home for the night. Well - he's still there :) and I'm convinced it was fate. Jim's laid-back attitude makes him a perfect fit for his family, and I'm so glad to see that the big man is getting the props he deserves.
Rebekah Girvan Photography: Jim
November 17, 2008
barney bites back
November 10, 2008
introducing ellie
She is an adorable, sweet and intelligent dog. She's not very fond of spending her days outside, and she has proven herself to be a little escape artist so she definitely needs a home where she can rule the roost from INSIDE her castle. She doesn't like loud noises and always wants lots of attention. She'd probably be happiest in a quiet home where she could snooze the day away in peace.
She gets along well with other dogs, but she's never been around cats or children, so it's unknown how she would react. She also knows lots of commands and learns very easily and quickly.
If you're interested in meeting Ellie or have questions, please email me. And even if you're not in the market for an adorable dog right now, please send her information around to all your friends!
how to take puppy pictures...
Me: Ok, first try guys... Penny - what's your deal? Look at me, please. Look at MEEEEEEEE.... Oliver - hey! (insert waving of hands to catch deaf dog's attention)... Look at MOM! (think to one's self - this isn't going to be fun)
Me to my mom (who was my assistant for the photo shoot): Mom, don't wave the hot dog way over there!! There not looking at the camera!... Penny Sue! The camera is over HERE! Why are you looking at the street?? Oliver Dawkins... don't you give me that look - I don't care HOW you feel about all this.
Umm, Mona... wake up. I realize this isn't the most exciting thing you've ever done, but your cooperation would be greatly appreciated.
Oh, this is GREAT! Everyone looks so nice! Except... you're not looking... at the camera. MOM! WAVE THE HOTDOG OVER HERE!!!!

Ok... ok! Quincy - check. Mona Mae - check. Sully - looking a little sleepy, but... check. Oliver - probably as good as it's going to get... check. Penny - wait, Penny! Stop looking at the wasp! Ohhhh, so close!
I think Sullivan and Mona Mae have given up... guys, please wake up! Ok, now I give up. We're done. I need a drink.
November 6, 2008

November 4, 2008
sad news... canine melanoma

Sweet Sullivan after his surgery to remove his toe
holiday time!

Oh, and the tartan collars above are all handcrafted using Carolina Tartan - the official tartan of North and South Carolina. It was recorded by both the General Assemblies of both states as the official state tartan. The Carolina Tartan was designed to emphasize the historical connection between the Carolinas and the Stuart kings, Charles I and II. The design is based on a fragment of Royal Stewart Tartan worn by Charles II at his wedding in 1661. So there's your history lesson for today!