From Fiona: Hi everyone! I'd just like to take a moment to thank everyone for worrying about me and helping my mom raise money for my care. I'm feeling so much better, thank you!
I am doing so well that my foster mom says I should be ready to go to my new home in a week or so. I really like it here, but there ARE a lot of dogs around. So I think perhaps it would be best if I found a new place to stay.
So let me tell y'all a little more about myself. I am a three year old pit mix, and I'm pretty small. I weigh in around 37 pounds, but I look much smaller than that because I'm a solid girl. I get along great with other dogs, and I find the resident cat to be absolutely fascinating! I would never chase her or hurt her, but there's just something about her...
My foster mom's nickname for me is "chocolate-covered peanut." I'm not sure why she calls me that, but she says it has something to do with my beautiful coloring. I don't know much about that - I'd just say I'm brown - but she seems to think it's something special.
I also LOVE people! I have never met a stranger, and it makes me so happy to sit as close as possible to my loved ones. I don't bark either (at least I haven't since I've been in my foster home), so if you're looking for a guard dog, well... you'd better keep looking! I'm also very easy-going... nothing ruffles my feathers, I don't mind sharing my toys or food, and I enjoy snuggling with the other pups in the house. And I love riding around town with my foster mom!
My foster mom has introduced me to this thing called a "crate." At first I wasn't very enthusiastic about it (although I never complained), but I've learned that I get a cookie every time I go in there! So now I race to my crate and jump right in whenever I'm asked. I'm also working really hard on learning new words. So far I've learned "crate," "sit," and "down." And now we're working on "leave it," and "settle," but I still haven't quite learned those yet.
My foster mom also says she's very impressed with my housetraining as well. I had never lived in a house before, but I figured out real quick that all my pottying had to be done outside. In fact, I've never once had an accident inside!
Well, I've gone on and on about myself, so I think I'll turn this blog thing back over to my foster mom now!
Fiona is, without a doubt, one of the best dogs I've ever rescued. She is incredibly sweet, well-behaved, and she's past that crazy puppy stage. She's even cuter in person than she is in her photos - the camera comes out and her cute little ears go back! She's picking up on good manners very quickly, and she would make a fantastic dog for someone. She's up to date on all shots, spayed and microchipped.
Please consider opening your heart and home to her. I promise she'll fill them both with lots of love. If you're interested, email me here. If you're not able to adopt at this time, please take a moment to pass along her story and picture.