Jackson, an Aussie mix, was turned in because his owners were moving. Today is one of those days that I know every single person involved with animal rescue has from time to time. We all continue to plug away... taking in an animal whenever we can... somehow finding a little more room in our home and our wallet to help one more.
But today is one of those days where you wonder how in the world you're making a difference when there are still so many animals out there being neglected, abandoned or abused. How can I POSSIBLY make a dent in this problem?? My heart is literally breaking this morning.
I get weekly emails from the Greenville and Charleston Animal Shelters that list out all the dogs and cats that are scheduled to be euthanized that week. Each week - tons and tons of animals are being destroyed simply because their owners are too stupid, mean or lazy to take care of them or have them spayed or neutered. Beside each animal they list why they're currently in the shelter. The main reason listed? "SURRENDERED DUE TO LIFESTYLE CHANGE."
What? WHAT?
These animals are not outdated upholstery or an old lamp you don't like anymore. They are living, breathing, LOVING beings that deserve more than to be tossed aside like an old rag. The people that turn in these poor animals take better care of their CARS.
I try so hard to maintain an upbeat tone here on my blog, but I had to take some time this morning to vent about this sobering reality. I ask each and every person that reads this blog to please take the time to consider rescuing or fostering an animal in need. It's really not that hard and I'm alway happy to help place rescues in forever homes.
If you're not able to take another animal into your home, please consider donating and becoming an advocate for these animals.
I encourage anyone who's willing to compile an email list of their contacts and send weekly emails that include this website,
Noah's Ark. They provide the euthanization lists for Greenville, Charleston and Darlington each week. These are the poor souls that have not made it onto the adoption floor and will be put to sleep unless rescued that week.
Barley at the Charleston Animal Shelter is sweet and quiet... email casara405@aol.com or call 843-747-4849.

Katie is a small shepherd mix at the Darlington shelter... email raindoggies@live.com.

Petey at the Charleston shelter... sweet and outgoing. Email casara405@aol.com or call 843-747-4849.